Behold the 20-foot-tall Donkey Kong arcade game

Donkey Kong is a big boy and should have the biggest arcade cabinet. And Mr. Kong will receive just that, courtesy of the Strong National Museum of Play. Along with Nintendo, The Strong is building a 20-foot-tall, fully functional Donkey Kong arcade machine that will be shown in the museum’s upcoming 90,000-square-foot ddition devoted to the history of video games. Opening day for this new development is June 30.

Feast your eyes on the rendering, and cower in fear (or excitement):

That will be the biggest Donkey Kong arcade game in the world, the press release claims. Given the machine’s bizarre rendering, I’m inclined to think that’s the case. It will be almost 370 percent bigger than the original arcade game. The arcade machine will have an MDF fiberboard and aluminium frame, and a motherboard from a genuine Donkey Kong arcade system will power it. And they’ll be displaying it like the prized possession that it is by making it visible from the museum’s first-floor atrium.

According to Jon-Paul Dyson, PhD, vice president for exhibits at The Strong, “Donkey Kong is a genuine titan in the video game world—both in terms of character size and the legendary status of the game—so it lends itself well to this playful, whimsical work.”

Fortunately, to play the massive arcade game, you won’t require hands that are 370% bigger than average human hands. Players will interact with it via regular-sized controls at a pedestal in front of the machine, even though it appears there will be large controllers on a panel, scaled to the enormous machine, at least according to the arcade machine rendering. I simply feel it is in my destiny to witness this firsthand.

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