Romance & Desire return! Men/women (Indian Bend/Pima Rd. Scottsdale)

his is the Year that EVERYTHING CHANGES!

Hi, I am Kari, an intimacy & relationship coach in the Valley for 13 years. After teaching 6,000 clients, I’m here to support married and singles alike with my expert knowledge.

Lack of Desire is the #1 problem with couples, so don’t feel alone. There wasn’t a simple and easy answer until now. For singles, too!

I have created a simple technique called the Great Circle of Desire, to bring passion and romance back to relationships. It uses NO WORDS, just a special magnetic embrace that anyone can learn easily. It should have been taught to us in high school, but after 6,000 clients, not ONE knew about it!

Benefits For Women – feel desire return with no drugs, counselling, seminars or changes to your appearance needed. It is the feeling you have been looking for your entire life. Feel yourself melt in his arms, as your Knight in Shining Armor with just one session! Your love returns to the honeymoon stages everyday you use this practice! You feel like a Genie released from the bottle. He learns to unlock the door to the greatest riches of your heart and soul.

Benefits For Men – Realize you have the power of the hero to cause your woman to surrender into your arms, full of desire and passion with this simple technique. No words needed, just this knowledge! Worries melt away as tension disappears, confidence increases.

Male Testimony: “I tested this on my wife, without her knowing, while we took a nap together. After she slept for 15 minutes, I switched from hand position 1 to hand position 2, and she rested in my arms for another half hour. Then we indulged in hours of extreme passion and pleasure. It had been 18 years since we felt anything like that!”
-Jerry, 54, Sedona, AZ

Female Testimony: I can’t believe what has been right there in my husband’s chest this whole time. I never knew! You are right, Kari, there are no words for this pleasure. – Barbara, 47, Everett, WA

Female Testimony: “Kari, after teaching us, we couldn’t wait for you to leave! My husband and I closed the door behind you and headed straight for the bedroom.” Sharon, 38, San Diego

More testimonies paste to your browser:!Ap7PlXxh9_le7zN7Zy6wan8Z4CAO

I can teach you alone, or with your partner, at my studio near Pima & Indian Bend.


This technique works within 30 minutes, and often in just 10! You will have access to it the rest of your life. Visit me once, and any additional coaching may be done online or in person.

NEW TECHNOLOGY! End ED PE, prostate swelling. Simple, safe, and reduces inflammation in 1-4 visits. Regenerative! Try it while you’re here. 10 minutes $25

I am a #1 Amazon International Best-selling Author, bodywork and Tantra practitioner. My mission is to share my knowledge and help restore couples to a wholesome, natural and ecstatic intimate relationship.

My book on Amazon: Search Cosmic Kari Star and it will appear as THE GREAT CIRCLE OF DESIRE. Check out my work if you like! This is changing the world. Then don’t be shy. Call and set an appointment!

I can’t wait to meet you and share this phenomenal work with you.

See you soon! Kari


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