Old habits blocking the way of your future path? (Los Angeles County +)

here are a 4 major things that separate us from the vision we see for ourselves or even the purpose that we haven’t even discovered yet.

They are… (drumroll):

1-Fear i.e. Analysis Paralysis
2-Doubt i.e. “I’m not good enough”
3-Lack of guidance/support i.e. Blindspots
4-Pride i.e. “I only do things ‘said’ way”

I am a life coach with over 12 years of leadership experience. I would love to help you get unstuck and support your walk back to purpose. I use frameworks that help you begin with a deeper look into who you are. Once you learn more about why you may be making certain choices we can create goals and take the steps toward your transformation.

To learn more about this opportunity to grow send me an email or text/call me on the number provided.

Each session is 60mins of devoted time via Zoom

Looking forward to working with you.
“Sometimes our greatest pain can be our greatest gift to others”


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