Intimacy & Sexual Communication Coaching (dublin / pleasanton / livermore)

Call us to schedule a complimentary 20 min. 1 on 1 session
If you are serious about wanting to remove your old patterns and create new ones then Give us a call or send us a text and lets get started.
New year’s special $ 65.00 for 40 minutes session

If you have healthy relationships you are more likely to feel confidant in the bedroom and in social settings, which in turn will increase your self-esteem. If you have strong self-esteem, you are more likely to pursue healthy avenues of exploring your sexuality and enjoy your sex life.

You are not broken; you are perfect the way you are – Seeking help is not shameful and it’s amazing when you have the right tools to help you get what you want and bring more joy into your life with a more rewarding sex life.

Issues couples or singles may have that we can help you with:

Lacking intimacy in your relationship – Discover how allowing yourself to be vulnerable will increase your intimacy with you partner.

Sexless relationship OR routine sex – Discover how to spice up your sex life and keep that heat going forever!

Resentment – Discover how to rebuild the empathy in your relationship and make your bond stronger than ever.

Lacking Self-esteem and confidence – Discover how to get them back for good.

Intimacy – Discover why being Vulnerable and having Empathy will increase your intimacy and trust.

Difficulty pleasing your partner OR not sure how to please your partner (possibly a different sexual blueprint than yourself) – Learn how to please yourself and your lover.

Unable to communicate your needs, feeling shame for asking for what want, not feeling heard builds resentment – Discover how to ask for what you want and empower yourself.

Are you in your head during sex (thinking of other things?) – Discover how to get out of your head and back in to your body, become grounded.

Communication tools and skills – Discover how to become an effective communicator with your partner or anyone you come in contact with.

We also coach with:
Wanting to explore Alternative Lifestyles and what that all means, how will it affect your relationship? If you are single, different rules and expectations apply – what does that all mean?

Divorced or single and wanting to get back into the game? But, don’t have the right software to upgrade and make you more successful. Do you lack confidence and feel inadequate in what you’re bringing to the table? It would be awesome to have all the tools you needed to please yourself and your partners! What better way to discover who you are and create new patterns, taking the guess work out of it by having the right tools.

Remove limiting beliefs that keep you from experiencing a better and more fruitful life.

Healing emotional triggers from past trauma, it’s not as difficult as you might think.

My partner and I have been mentoring and coaching our clients to discover who they are for a combined 14 yrs. We are still exploring our sexuality and there is still so much to discover. What we have found is that allowing yourself to be vulnerable and have empathy is the key to reigniting relationships. We are Certified Life coaches and Certified Erotic Blue Print coaches.
Sexual Blueprints – Discover what your blueprint is and how to maximize your pleasure, be able to please anyone in the bedroom, remove shame, judgement, and create new patterns. Discover what truly turns you on and what turns your partner on… For couples, and singles!

5 love languages – What do they mean – learn why most people get this wrong
1. Words of affirmation
2. Acts of service
3. Receiving gifts,
4. Quality time
5. Physical touch

5 Erotic Blue Prints – What do they mean – learn which one you are and how to gain access
1. Energetic
2. Sensual
3. Sexual
4. Kinky
5. Shapeshifter

Everything can be improved. Relationships, Confidence, Communication Skills, Work Skills and more. There are three basic approaches we use- One is teaching the fundamental skills needed in an area. In the area of communication this would be being able to communicate honestly and authentically with others, listen to others, get your point across etc. Another is giving understanding in an area, for instance, understanding how the mind works and how to communicate your emotions. One other approach is teaching a person how to handle his/her own “buttons”, negative thoughts, issues within his/herself that hold him/her back.

Chuy & Shannon


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